Building Manuals in Victoria: A Big Step Towards Safer and More Informed Buildings

Building Manuals in Victoria

The Australian state of Victoria has recently taken a significant stride towards ensuring safer and more transparent construction practices with the introduction of new legislation mandating Building Manuals as a prerequisite for obtaining an occupancy certificate. This move comes as a part of the national building reforms proposed in the Shergold/Weir Building Confidence Report (BCR), which emphasised the importance of providing comprehensive Building Manuals for commercial buildings. Let’s delve deeper into the significance of this legislation and understand how it will impact the building industry and new property owners in Victoria.

The Building Confidence Report (BCR) – The Need for Transparency

The Building Confidence Report (BCR) highlighted a concerning issue in the building industry: the lack of proper information provided to new property owners, leaving them ill-equipped to fulfill their obligations effectively. To address this problem, the BCR recommended the implementation of comprehensive Building Manuals for commercial buildings, encompassing a wide range of vital information. This encompassed buildings of various classes, such as multi-storey residential, public and private structures, aged care facilities, childcare centres, and more.

What Should a Building Manual Include?

According to the BCR, a suitable Building Manual should contain essential information like as-built documentation, fire safety and design solutions, limitations of the building, product information, certificates, and other crucial details. This comprehensive documentation would ensure that new owners have access to all necessary information to operate, maintain, and understand their building.

The New Victorian Legislation – A Step Forward

Under the Building Act, the recently enacted Victorian legislation (41A and 41B)1 mandates that a draft Building Manual must accompany the application for an occupancy permit for a new building of a prescribed class. The relevant building surveyor will review the draft manual and approve it if it meets all the prescribed requirements. By linking the provision of the Building Manual to the issuance of an Occupancy Certificate, the legislation aims to shift the focus of developers and the building industry from just completing a building to ensuring that new owners can safely operate and maintain their property.

Benefits of Building Manuals

The introduction of Building Manuals brings forth several benefits for both the building industry and new property owners:

  1. Enhanced Safety: With access to crucial information about fire safety, design solutions, and limitations, owners can ensure a safer environment for themselves and the building’s occupants.
  2. Transparency and Accountability: Building Manuals provide a transparent trail of evidence, holding the building industry accountable for the quality of their construction.
  3. Efficient Maintenance: Equipped with the necessary details, owners can carry out regular maintenance and address any issues promptly, prolonging the lifespan of the building.
  4. Streamlined Operations: Building Manuals empower owners to understand their building’s systems better, enabling them to optimise its operations and energy efficiency.

The Next Steps – Defining a “Good” Building Manual

The successful implementation of Building Manuals in Victoria relies on the development of supporting regulations. These regulations will define the difference between a “good” and a “bad” Building Manual, providing clear guidelines for industry professionals and ensuring consistency and quality.

Getting Started with a “Good” Building Manual

If you’re curious about what a “Good” Building Manual looks like or want to explore successful processes, you can download relevant documents or reach out to the team at OmTrak. With their expertise and experience in over 3500 projects, they can help you understand and implement effective Building Manuals for your construction projects.


The new legislation mandating Building Manuals in Victoria marks a pivotal moment in the state’s construction industry. By requiring comprehensive documentation, the government aims to ensure safer buildings, foster transparency, and empower new property owners to manage their spaces effectively. As the supporting regulations take shape, the industry will witness a positive shift towards more accountable and informed construction practices, benefiting both builders and property owners alike.

Click here to learn more about making compliance simple and handovers efficient with OmTrak’s operations and maintenance manuals.

Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) Model Guidance for Building Manuals

Australian Building Manual Guideline