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MPlan Update Now Live: Enhanced User Interface for Facility Maintenance Planning

MPlan Update Now Live: Enhanced User Interface for Facility Maintenance Planning

We’re excited to let you know that the latest MPlan update is now live! This version brings an improved user interface (UI) designed to make your facility lifecycle planning smoother and more efficient. ENHANCED UI, SIMPLIFIED EXPERIENCE Our goal with the new MPlan update is to streamline your workflow. The update brings improved data grids … Read more


UK Government Building Safety Bill – Key Measures

The new Bill is in response to the Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, which highlighted a need for significant cultural and regulatory change following the Grenfell Tower Disaster.


Facility Management Implementation, the hard way or the easy way?

Implementing a new FM or Asset Management System (AMS) can be both high risk and a disappointment if not done well. Statistics from the web state approximately 70% of IT projects are failures.


New Model Guidance for Building Manuals

The Australian Building Codes Board has developed a new Model Guidance for Building Manuals. This guidance is a national model for building manuals defining the minimum building manual information requirements.


Building Product Safety

The Australian Building Codes Board has developed a new Building Product Assurance Framework. The aim of the Framework is to help ensure that building products are used in a way that complies with the Australian National Construction Code (NCC).


Defective Buildings – Reduce risks to apartments

Titled ‘Cracks in the Compact City: Tackling defective buildings in multi-unit strata housing’. The report highlights the problems for new strata owners, the costs for rectification and makes 30 recommendations for improvement.


Managing Risks of Operations and Maintenance Manuals

A recent conversation with a Senior Project Manager for a major new project highlighted the lack of understanding about the importance of managing risks of Operations and Maintenance Manuals when handing over a new project.