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2024 Wrap Up: Building Together

As 2024 comes to a close, we reflect on the significant achievements we’ve shared with our clients and partners. We’ve welcomed Ben Twomey as our new CEO, bringing fresh leadership and vision to WebFM and OmTrak. His appointment signifies our commitment to strategic growth and reinforcing strong industry relationships.

Boosting Building Sector Productivity: The Missing KPI

Boosting Building Sector Productivity: The Missing KPI

Are you frustrated with the sluggish pace of progress in the construction industry? Do you ever wonder why, despite the rapid advancements in technology, we’re still struggling to improve productivity in the building sector? Let’s delve into the issue of poor productivity in the construction industry and explore potential solutions that can help us move … Read more

OmTrak Manuals Module Update

New OmTrak Manuals Module: Intuitive UI and Advanced Functionality

In the ever-evolving landscape of construction project management, staying ahead of the curve is imperative. The latest advancement for OmTrak comes in the form of an updated Manuals Module. Let’s delve into the transformative attributes of the new OmTrak Manuals Module that are set to reshape the construction documentation landscape.

Building Manuals in Victoria

Building Manuals in Victoria: A Big Step Towards Safer and More Informed Buildings

The Australian state of Victoria has recently taken a significant stride towards ensuring safer and more transparent construction practices with the introduction of new legislation mandating Building Manuals as a prerequisite for obtaining an occupancy certificate. This move comes as a part of the national building reforms proposed in the Shergold/Weir Building Confidence Report (BCR), … Read more

OmTrak Website Redesigned and Refreshed

Redesigned and Refreshed: Gets a Vibrant Makeover!

Hey there, fellow web enthusiasts and OmTrak aficionados! We’ve got some exciting news to share –, your go-to platform for seamless construction project management, has undergone a fantastic transformation! We’re thrilled to give you a look into the changes that have been made. So, grab a cup of coffee and take a few minutes … Read more


UK Government Building Safety Bill – Key Measures

The new Bill is in response to the Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, which highlighted a need for significant cultural and regulatory change following the Grenfell Tower Disaster.


Facility Management Implementation, the hard way or the easy way?

Implementing a new FM or Asset Management System (AMS) can be both high risk and a disappointment if not done well. Statistics from the web state approximately 70% of IT projects are failures.