MPlan Update Coming Soon: A New User Interface for Facility Maintenance Planning

MPlan Update Coming Soon: A New User Interface for Facility Maintenance Planning

Our latest MPlan update is just around the corner. Aimed at making your job easier, this update introduces an improved user interface (UI) designed to align closely with recent changes in our other OmTrak modules.

Fresh UI, Simplified Experience

Good news for current and future users of MPlan: the upcoming UI update isn’t just a facelift; it’s about making your interaction with the app as straightforward and efficient as possible. Expect a consistent look and feel across all modules, which translates to spending less time learning and more time doing. This consistency is crucial when you want to get up to speed quickly with new tools.

The navigation within MPlan is getting more user-friendly, too. We’re talking about finding what you need when you need it, without unnecessary clicks or confusion. That means quicker access to your data and management controls, making for a more productive workday.

Optimised for Ease: Streamlining the OmTrak Suite

For those familiar with the OmTrak suite, diving into MPlan will feel reassuringly similar. while MPlan is focused on your Facility Lifecycle Maintenance Planning needs, it benefits from a consistent visual design and user experience that aligns with our other modules in the OmTrak suite. Our goal with the latest MPlan update is to ensure a smooth transition across all the tools you use. The consistent design across our products, including the OmTrak Manuals and Site Works Modules, allows for a seamless transition and an easy learning curve across OmTrak. From creating building manuals with our Manuals Module, managing defects through our Site Works Module to ongoing Facility Maintenance Planning with MPlan, the OmTrak suite has you covered.

Understanding MPlan

Before we go further, let’s take a look at what MPlan is and how it can be a game-changer for your facility maintenance plan. Simply put, MPlan is all about transforming how you manage the major lifecycle upkeep of buildings. It’s the tool that has helped improve maintenance operations for over 55,000 buildings worldwide by simplifying and streamlining processes.

Planning Made Easy

With MPlan, developing in-depth asset strategies becomes easier. You are able to draft forward lifecycle maintenance plans, consider different funding options, and predict budgets, all in a clear format that anyone can understand.

Audit with Agility

MPlan makes it simple to perform condition audits across numerous assets quickly and accurately. Having access to instant visibility of your portfolio allows you to make informed decisions on where to focus your efforts. This kind of smart functionality ensures resources are utilised in the best possible way.

Knowledge at Your Fingertips

MPlan doesn’t just provide software; it offers a knowledge base, giving your team the training to effectively use the system. This builds your team’s capabilities to manage, update, and develop lifecycle plans on an ongoing basis.

Efficient Cloud-Based Platform

One of the standout features of MPlan is its cloud-based platform, which requires no extra software or extensive IT support. This means you can manage your facilities anytime, anywhere, with the certainty that your data is safely stored and accessible.

What to Expect with our Latest MPlan Update

So, what exactly will the MPlan update bring to the table? Here’s what you can look forward to:

  1. Unified User Interface: An interface that looks and operates the same across different modules cuts down the learning curve, saving you valuable time and reducing the hassle when adapting to new functionalities.
  2. Intuitive Navigation: Designed with the user’s ease in mind, the updated navigation means easy access to essential features, reducing the time spent searching for the right data or control.
  3. Streamline Operations: MPlan isn’t an island. The improvements mean it will work even more smoothly with the suite of OmTrak systems, leading to an integrated, cohesive management workflow.
A Closer Look at MPlan’s Key Features
  • Asset Lifecycle Management: MPlan helps you see the big picture of facility management, from inception through to maintenance and operations.
  • Lifecycle Planning: It offers comprehensive tools to create forward lifecycle plans that align with your budget and service requirements, optimising the way you spend time and money on maintenance.
  • Condition Audits: Quick, precise appraisals across different assets offer a current snapshot of your facilities, so no detail is missed, and maintenance is always on point.
  • Knowledge Management: MPlan is as much a learning tool as it is a management one, ensuring that your team grows alongside your facilities.
  • Cloud-Based Platform: As easy to access as your email, the platform doesn’t bog down your computer with heavy software and stays up to date without the need for constant IT intervention.

Looking Ahead

The upcoming MPlan update is all about efficiency. By the time it arrives, you’ll spend less time figuring out how to manage your forward lifecycle maintenance plans and more time benefiting from these carefully considered improvements. As we approach the launch date, we invite you to stay connected for more detailed insights and to prepare for a smoother, more intuitive facility maintenance management experience.

In the meantime, we recommend reviewing your current practices to see where MPlan can bring immediate improvements. Start thinking about your training schedules, data organisation, and overall asset strategies. With MPlan, you’ll be well-equipped to elevate your approach to asset management, and forecasting.

We are committed to ensuring our system not only meets but exceeds the evolving needs of asset managers. Our goal is to provide a tool that is not just functional but an integral part of your success in asset/facility maintenance management. The upcoming MPlan update is a significant stride towards that goal – a smarter, more connected, and efficient way to manage facilities maintenance.

Stay tuned as we continue to refine our technology and services to help you do your job better. Because when it comes to lifecycle maintenance and planning, we understand that it’s not just about the buildings – it’s about the people who use them, and the professionals who maintain them.

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