Secure Data Centre Sydney

Hutchinson Builders

Data Centre Development – OmTrak’s Solution for the Global Switch Data Centre Project in Ultimo

The Situation

Hutchison Builders was commissioned to expand the Global Switch Data Centre in Ultimo, New South Wales. This expansion, comprising stages two and three, not only had to integrate seamlessly with ongoing operations but also address escalating demands from significant national and multi-national corporations. These firms necessitated robust, dependable accommodations for their indispensable IT infrastructure. Completing all phases furnished the data centre with additional capacity, now spanning 31,226 square meters of space, carrying an impressive power density of 1,850W/m². The expansion also included vital support facilities such as mechanical and electrical plant spaces, technology support areas, and administrative offices. The centre’s strategic location not only enhances its low latency network capabilities but also significantly expands Sydney’s data centre footprint.

Secure Data Centre Sydney

The Challenge

Throughout the construction of the new facility, Hutchinson Builders faced several challenges, chief among them being the meticulous handover of comprehensive documentation and the precise logging of asset details. Furthermore, there was an imperative need to manage client expectations concerning the timely delivery of accurate information, a demand which required a delicate balance between precision and efficiency.

OmTrak's Connected Approach for the Global Switch Data Centre Project in Ultimo

To tackle these challenges effectively, Hutchinson Builders incorporated the Manuals modules from OmTrak into their project management strategy.

Manuals Module

Operations & Maintenance

The Manuals Module was employed to meticulously manage operations and maintenance manuals for the facility’s assets. It ensured the consolidation and handover of this critical documentation was efficient, with all construction and operational information being accurate, complete, and easily accessible.

The Result

Hutchinson Builders used OmTrak’s specialised Manuals module to successfully handle the project’s details, leading to a smooth handover. They managed documentation and assets so well with OmTrak that the expanded Global Data Centre is now set up to work at its best and last a long time. Joined with the original building, the complete facility showcases Global Switch’s innovative approach and Hutchinson Builder’s dedication to top-quality work. This modern data centre is ready to support Global Switch’s clients’ high-tech needs for the next 20 years, confirming its role as an industry leader. Their efforts earned them high praise with a High Commendation at the AIB Professional Excellence in Building Awards for major commercial construction projects in New South Wales worth over $100M.

OmTrak was key in managing the intricate details of the project and keeping up with Hutchinson’s demands, which played a big part in the project’s recognition and lasting success. It made sure the data centre would run smoothly and keep customers happy in the ever-evolving world of digital infrastructure.

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