Site Works & FM Module Updates Coming Soon

Site Works & FM Module Updates Coming Soon

What is Site Works?

OmTrak’s Site Works & FM module improves the management of defects, punch lists, snags, and continuous asset management by streamlining their coordination. It facilitates faster capturing, sharing, and monitoring of site issues, ensuring full transparency for your team during the construction phase. This tool can additionally automate future facility maintenance schedules and work orders, leading to significant time savings.

Update Overview

Technological innovations play a significant role in streamlining workflows, improving efficiency, and enhancing business outcomes. As part of this ongoing evolution, we’re pleased to announce the upcoming release of the updated OmTrak Site Works & FM module, showcasing a user interface designed in line with OmTrak’s other recently updated Manuals and Documents modules.

The OmTrak Site Works & FM module, known for its capabilities in Defect Management, is designed to cater to the diverse needs of Building and Facility Managers. Its latest update ushers in a fresh wave of enhancements that not only optimise the user experience but also ensure consistent interfacing across all modules, solidifying OmTrak’s approach to holistic and integrated construction management systems.

This update’s primary objective is bringing the Site Works user interface in line with the other modules, a transition aimed at ensuring a central design language and user experience. As a result, it offers streamlined navigation, familiar user interactions, improved data visibility, and overall easier module management. However, as with any ambitious endeavour, achieving this required a delicate balancing act of various factors and trade-offs.

Diverse user requirements, the complexity of tasks in Site Works defect management, and unique functionality specific to each module were significant considerations. Incorporating changes while maintaining the module’s core strength and minimising changes to well-loved features presented formidable challenges.

To negotiate these challenges, a focused strategy was deployed encompassing extensive user feedback, in-depth analysis, and iterative design testing. To harmonise with the Manuals and Documents Modules while still ensuring optimal functionality in defect and facility management, the design team had to exhibit a high level of flexibility and innovative problem solving.

The outcome? A robust and intuitive interface upgrade that streamlines the process of managing defects in Site Works projects. Facility and Building Managers can now enjoy a streamlined experience across the Site Works, Manuals, and Documents modules, reinforcing the concept of coordinated and seamless operation within the OmTrak system.

The move towards a unified user interface highlights OmTrak’s commitment to offering an integrated and cohesive management solution touching on all aspects of construction management. It showcases the company’s dedication to improving usability without compromising the personalised touch that distinguishes each module.

One of the key features of the updated OmTrak Site Works & FM module is its design, which has been optimised to enable facility managers to navigate effortlessly, locate data quickly, and manage defects and facility management more efficiently. The uniformity across the interface makes the transition between modules smoother, thereby providing a learning curve that’s less steep and a user experience that is seamless and intuitive.

By achieving a balance between unique functionalities and a unified user interface, it has demonstrated that it is possible to enhance productivity, boost user satisfaction, and maintain the core strengths that have made OmTrak a trusted choice in construction management software. It signifies yet another step forward in OmTrak’s mission to address business needs innovatively, improve processes, and simplify workflows in the construction and facilities management spheres.

You can find out more about our Site Works & FM module here.

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