Simplify DLP Maintenance with Site Works [FM] Module from OmTrak

Simplify DLP Maintenance with Site Works [FM] Module from OmTrak

During the Defects Liability Period (DLP), builders face two primary challenges. The first is ensuring that regular and scheduled maintenance of equipment is actually carried out. The second challenge involves being able to produce a log that displays evidence of the completion of the required maintenance tasks. While spreadsheets may be used to track DLP maintenance information, they require meticulous updating for every task and for each subcontractor involved — a process that can be both time-consuming and prone to errors.

To streamline this process, maintain compliance, and ensure that subcontractors consistently perform and document their work, the OmTrak Site Works module offers a user-friendly facility maintenance solution. Having been refined over more than two decades, this platform not only simplifies maintenance scheduling and site inspections but does so with an emphasis on simplicity, efficiency, and the delivery of high-quality project outcomes. Let’s explore the benefits and capabilities of Site Works in managing DLP maintenance effectively.

Efficient Time Management

OmTrak’s Site Works module simplifies the complexity of maintenance scheduling by automating the process. Leveraging its innovative features such as calendar-driven maintenance scheduling and customisable asset registers, Site Works efficiently generates and manages future work orders. It ensures that each subcontractor is promptly notified of upcoming tasks. In turn, they update the work status, providing you with a real-time maintenance log.

By incorporating OmTrak into your project management toolkit, you can reallocate your valuable time to focus on other critical tasks, enhancing overall project efficiency and effectiveness.

Round-the-clock Accessibility

OmTrak understands the need for accessibility and convenience in today’s construction environment. The Site Works platform is accessible anytime, anywhere, and on any device, ensuring that you can stay in control of your operations at all times. With the OmTrak mobile app, you can manage your tasks, communicate, and access crucial documents on the go, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Improved Collaboration and Control for DLP Maintenance

OmTrak’s accessible online platform enhances collaboration and control among project teams. It allows all stakeholders to access essential information, monitor the status of work, and enables facility users to report any defects, snags, or issues quickly for timely resolution. This level of enhanced collaboration and control helps to minimise miscommunication, delays, and errors, thereby facilitating smoother DLP maintenance and the prompt rectification of any defects.

Superior Organisation

OmTrak’s Site Works module centralises maintenance and site inspection management, providing superior organisation for DLP maintenance activities. By keeping everything organised in one secure location, Site Works ensures that no maintenance tasks or service dates are missed. This centralised approach instils confidence, allowing builders to set and forget with the knowledge that OmTrak will keep track of all maintenance requirements.

With Site Works, all associated assets and maintenance routines can be easily imported from the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) manuals. This automation of maintenance activity creation eliminates manual errors and saves time. When DLP commences, the relevant maintenance routines are activated by setting a start date (typically the Practical Completion date) and assigning them to the appropriate subcontractors. Site Works streamlines the tracking and completion of these scheduled maintenance routines, ensuring that builders get the most out of the system.

Flexibility for Changing Commencement Dates

Commencement dates for the DLP can sometimes change due to project circumstances. In such cases, Site Works provides the flexibility to backdate start dates and automatically create missed service routines. For example, if a maintenance schedule was supposed to start six months ago with monthly routines but was delayed, Site Works can accommodate this change. The system will generate records for the missed months, ensuring that maintenance documentation remains complete and compliant. This feature ensures that even with shifting project timelines, builders can maintain accurate and up-to-date maintenance records for the entire DLP.


In the demanding world of construction, managing DLP maintenance can be complex and time-consuming. Site Works module from OmTrak simplifies and automates maintenance scheduling and site inspections, ensuring high-quality project outcomes. With features such as efficient time management, round-the-clock accessibility, improved collaboration and control, and superior organisation, builders can confidently meet their DLP requirements.

Site Works streamlines the process, optimising efficiency and reducing the risk of errors and oversights. By embracing this facility maintenance solution, builders can enhance project outcomes, boost productivity, and deliver projects that stand the test of time.

Learn more about the benefits and capabilities of Site Works here.

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